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DecorateConfig Electron / Renderer v0 5 0+ Allows you to decorate the user's configuration.. Parameters: options The BrowserWindow options object OnRendererWindow Renderer Invoked when a plugin is first loaded or subsequently reloaded in each window.

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7 0+ Allows you to decorate the user's environment by returning a modified environment object.. OnUnload Electron Invoked when a plugin is removed by the user Parameters: app The electron app.. Props The existing properties that will be passed to the component GetTermGroupProps Renderer Passes down props from to the component.


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If a plugin reloads, it's called again and the menu is refreshed Parameters: menu The menu template object decorateBrowserOptions Electron Allows you to decorate Electron's BrowserWindow options when a new window is created.. How to install and download Hyper-terminal software from Internet Johnny Mac 121,130.. Subsequently we invoke the thunkmiddleware, which means your middleware can next thunks.. Must return the composed props object Uid Tab / Term uid parentProps Props form the parent component.

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Parameters: environment The environment object decorateMenu Electron Invoked with the Electron's Menu template.. Must return the composed props object ParentProps Props form the parent component.. State The Redux state object action The action object getTabsProps Renderer Passes down props from to the component.. Parameters: app The electron app OnWindow Electron Invoked when each window is created.. Parameters: window The window object middleware Renderer A custom Redux middleware that can intercept any action.

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Props The existing properties that will be passed to the component GetTabProps Renderer Passes down props from to the component.. If a plugin reloads, it's invoked again with the existing windows Hyperterminal is a program that is designed to perform the.. ReduceUI reduceSessions reduceTermGroups Renderer A custom reducer for the ui, sessions or termgroups state shape.. Method Invoked from Description onApp Electron Invoked when the app first loads If a plugin reloads, it's invoked again with the existing app.. Useful for themeing or custom parameters for your plugin Parameters: config The config object decorateEnv Electron v0.. Download your free HyperTerminal trial version and see how Parameters: window An electron BrowserWindow. 5ebbf469cd
